Meditation for Non-Meditators: A Fun Exercise For Beginners, Guided Meditation (Written)

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So, technically, you are making some progress here.

You sat through 3 minutes out of 5 on the “Unwind With Breath” guided meditation.
Or, maybe you managed to sit calmly for 10 minutes this week. Your initiative.

And, really, if nothing else, at least you opened up this page.
That’s good!

We are all starting somewhere.

Now, it’s all easy to celebrate.
Until you look at the tall peak ahead of you.

How in the world do people dedicate 10 minutes every day to meditation?

You can barely find time to think about what’s going on in your life sometimes.

Well, you opened up this page.

So, you get this cool fact as a reward:
Did you know that the heights of mountains are generally given as above sea level?

Yeah, Earth’s mountains are mostly lying underground.
Same idea as with the icebergs.
It’s neat, really.

But think about this – your goal, this peak – it can even be more intimidating if you start digging underneath.
Into the depths that aren’t even relevant to your current goal.

Speaking of which, did you notice that you have already spent a couple of minutes on this post?

Hey! Don’t run ahead!

Slow down your reading pace to enjoy the scenery with us.

You are already walking amidst the fur trees.
Fresh air.
Distant calls of the birds.
Very gentle breeze.
Sun on your upper back.

Comfortable and…


We are strolling on a straight pass.

No need to rush.
Our destination is already here, with us.

Centuries-old evergreen forest.
Silent blue-grey rocks.
Sound of the ground underneath our shoes.
And a beautifully colored pebble.

Sparkling as it reflects sunlight.

And fresh, fresh… oh, so wonderfully fresh

Mountain air.

So easy to breath in.
Pleasant feeling as it gently
Fills the lungs.

If a particular thought has entered your head,
Seeking attention,
Just let it go gently.

And let your eyes rest
On the beautiful dark green
And crispy smell
Of pine trees beside you.

Let’s slow down just a little more…
And take a long


Gently exhale.
As we are slowly going down the path.

Following around a curve,
Looking over a vast forest below.

Close your eyes as you take another
Slow breath.

1… 2… 3.

Then, let’s look up to the infinity of
The blue sky.

There is a tiny cloud. Vaguely shaped.
Maybe it reminds you of something

Floating in the endless bright sea.

And, if your attention has wondered elsewhere,
As it will do from time to time,
Let’s return our eyes to a little stream
Running down the rocky surface on our left.

Straight path welcomes us ahead.
Toward a small summit.

As we reach the edge, we can stop.

We stand at a tall peak.

And, looking down, we a few shorter ones
Peaking out from a blanket
Of evergreen trees.

The air here is even more fresh.

The trees, sharp rocks, and grass
Stretch in front of us
Filling sides and crevices of rocks
As they go deep down below.

To a mountain river finding a path between them,
Glistening in the sun far above.

There are taller peaks surrounding us.
We can marvel at their height from down here.

At the cool walls of rock piling on each other
Creating long shadows
And holding those peaks up

But here, where we are,
We have arrived.
And, if we look inside of ourselves…

We always carry our destination with us.

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