Quickly Pause and Find Yourself in the Moment: Guided Meditation (Written)

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Script inspired by:

The Science of Mindfulness: A Research-Based Path to Well-Being by Ronald D. Siegel PsyD, The Great Courses

Mental Bubble Bath Guided Meditations use scientific or professional insights into meditation and mindfulness as the basis for designing content. For our list of recommended, publicly accessible literature that inspires a lot of our discussions, please see our Recommended Readings section.

Where are you right now?

Just as you begin reading this quick guided meditation

Imagine yourself,
What you are currently doing,
Noises surrounding you,
People and other moving objects…

As a scene.

If you can, imagine yourself
as an animated figure
inside an intricate,
detailed diorama.

Perhaps there is activity around you.
That’s perfectly fine.

In a distanced way,
Try to see any movements
As a repeatable,
Decorative animation.

Alike figures
In a realistic rail transport model
With a detailed train making circles
Around a beautiful landscape,
People populating a little town
Bustling with movement and activity.

So can you imagine,
In a peculiar way,
Every object surrounding you,
Every light fixture,
Decorative item or furniture,
Small electronics
And large appliances,
And even moving, talking people

As an exciting scene
Inside a dollhouse model,
Built by a very passionate
And dedicated individual.

Imagine seeing yourself
And your surroundings
As a wildly realistic
Slice-of-life model
Inside a glass panel,
As a part of an exposition
In a very inventive museum.

Seeing such a detailed scene
You pause and approach the glass.

You study the scene for the first time.

Gently move your eyes around
As you study the incredible detail
Of every object
Inside the modeled scene.

Depending on whether you are
Inside a building
Or somewhere outside,

Notice how real the interior feels,
Down to every fixture
And furnishing.

Or how absolutely gorgeous
The trees, plants,
The ground and grass
Are represented.

Take a moment to appreciate the lighting.
Did the talented artist make it easy
To identify the time of the day?

How did the creator of this model
Represent the atmosphere?
What does it say about the people
Or a person
Inhabiting the scene?

What are they doing?
Are they sitting, lying down, walking around?

What are their belongings?
What items surround these people?

How are they positioned within the space?
How integrated
How out of place
Certain elements seem?

Study every detail
Through a glass pane
Inside a museum
And observe the feelings
The scene creates within you.

What new discoveries have you made?

What items have stood out to you
For the first time?

How quickly
Did you locate your own self
Inside the scene?
Did you do so at all?

Try not to make any judgments
In regards to the thoughts
You had
And observations
You made
During this little exercise.

See if you have gained
A new appreciation
Or a sense of playful curiosity
From observing your surroundings
In this manner.

Take a few slow, patient breaths.

Find a way to return
Back to yourself
To seeing the scene
Through your own eyes.

Did you retain any traces,
Any echoes,
Of the sense of discovery
And wonder
In how you see the world
Around you?

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