How to Fall Asleep #1: Blink Quickly

Day 1: Finally decided to put some of the “techniques” I use for falling asleep into a list. It’s like a cute little sleeping journal, but online because my handwriting is a mess and I don’t know how to doodle even simple cute patterns and butterflies.

I assume I am not the only picky sleeper out there; maybe you guys are open to trying out some new ideas, see what your brain is in the mood for tonight. So, here goes!

Idea #1:

Blink quickly for a minute.

  • Make it work even better: Fully relax right after, let all of your muscles go, and enjoy how freaking great it is to let your eyelids rest after the vigorous workout they just went through.
  • Best timing: Combines well with sore eye muscles for me. Finally giving a rest to eyes feels so good, there is little to no motivation for opening them up again.

This one is a bit of a hit-or-miss for me, and that’s what I spotted other folks saying online as well. Let’s be honest, this one is more of a mental trick. The best comparison might be that one time you really didn’t want to get off the couch after a long clean-up session or a jog.

Can you really get off on that feeling of heavy eyelids? Probably not if you are feeling a wild burst of energy. Maybe you feel like there are bright rays of light shooting right out of your eyeballs. Maybe you want to squeeze a pillow and roll around in bed. Maybe you are craving a fun TV show, smooth chocolate cake, a tight hug form your cat, or maybe all of these at once. You might not be even able to notice heaviness in your eyelids, much less focus on it.

On the other hand, it might work on those nights when you are already tired — your back is stiff, maybe you have a headache. Perhaps you just need one more thing to convince you that the pillow world is a more pleasant destination right now than the dopamine theme park of your TV or phone.

Any suggestions for this one? Success stories?
Let me know in the comments, guys.

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